Birthday wishes for Sister

Beautiful Sister Birthday Card

Relation between brother & sister or sister & sister is very beautiful. Therefore, for your most beautiful sister, this coral pink birthday card with Oreo-chocolate tower cake and strawberry-creamy layers looks great. The nicely decorated cake in the middle of fine pink & white clouds at the bottom and isolated clouds at the top create a fairytale effect. 

The flying balloons with strings and silver butterfly stickers give a graceful touch to this beautiful card. Make it customized by adding your sister’s name below the happy birthday to my beautiful sister's wishes. The finely written quote admires your sister on her very special day of life. It describes how wonderful a sister she is, and you can’t compare such a best sister with anyone else in the world. This online birthday card with a unique style helps you to verbalize your feelings on the special occasion of your sister’s birthday.

Coral Pink Happy Birthday Card